Back to School on the Ketogenic Diet: Part 1

It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. If your child started the ketogenic diet over the summer, you might be anxious about the thought of sending your little one back to school. Today’s post, “Informing the School About Your Child’s Ketogenic Diet” is Part 1 of the “Back to School on the Ketogenic Diet” blog series. This series will provide tips and resources to help make the transition back to school go smoothly.

Informiback to school busng the School About Your Child’s Ketogenic Diet

First, be sure to let the school know about your child’s ketogenic diet before school starts. If possible, arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher and everyone else that may care for him or her to educate them about the diet and how to manage it at school.

If your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), request an IEP review meeting so that accommodations associated with the diet can be added. Prior to the meeting, have your child’s physician provide a letter explaining the ketogenic diet and the requirements during school hours.

If there have been any changes to your child’s epilepsy medications, be sure to notify the school about these as well. Consider providing an updated Seizure Action Plan to reflect these changes.

Lastly, there are many celebrations at school that involve food so make sure that your child’s teachers and aides understand that your child cannot have the same treats that the other children get.  Ask them to let you know when celebrations are planned so that you can send a ketogenic diet treat for your child to enjoy. You might consider leaving a shelf-stable keto snack, such as a box of KetoCal®LQ, at school just in case of an unexpected celebration.

Stay tuned for next week’s post where we’ll continue the “Back to School on the Ketogenic Diet” series with some tips on packing the ketogenic diet lunchbox!

If you have already mastered sending your little one to school on the ketogenic diet, what advice would you offer other parents?


For more tips & resources on this topic, read Part 2 and Part 3 of the Back to School on the Ketogenic Diet Series.

Photo: Flickr

7 thoughts on “Back to School on the Ketogenic Diet: Part 1

  1. How timely, thanks. We are a year away from starting junior kindergarten, but have already been thinking and wondering about how school will go, and how best to prepare everyone. Any and all resources would be appreciated.

    • Thank you for your comment and for reading the blog. So glad to hear that it was helpful. We have another Back to School post planned for Tuesday so stay tuned!

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